St. John's Health
Dr. Paul Beaupré of St. John's Health announced Friday that the COVID patient census had fallen to zero. Photo: Buckrail // Nick Sulzer

JACKSON, Wyo. — Dr. Paul Beaupré of St. John’s Health, announced on Friday that the COVID patient census at St. John’s had fallen to zero for the first time since this summer.

“I wish I could convey to you the exuberance of the hospital staff,” said Dr. Beaupré. “The experiences of our staff during the pandemic, like many of yours, have really run the gamut of human emotion. It brings a huge smile to my face when I see in staff a sense of relief, hope, and especially joy.”

He noted that this is a significant turning point for the community and that with effective distribution of the vaccine, the town will slowly enter a new phase in the fight against COVID-19: community immunity.

“Here is the incredibly encouraging information I am happy to share with you. The vaccines St. John’s and the Health Department have been distributing in Teton County — to more than 4,000 individuals to date — are nearly perfectly effective at preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19,” said Beaupré.

Additionally, he attested to the efficacy of the vaccine, explaining to the community that this is truly the only way out of the pandemic.

“This vaccine in our arms is saving lives. As more and more of us receive vaccines in the coming weeks and months, our community will achieve a high degree of immunity. Once we reach that milestone, we can expect that even those small numbers of people who become infected with COVID will experience it as a typical flu,” he said.

He added that our continued diligence and respect for the protocols in place are still crucial to reaching this point of immunity.

“In the meantime, we all need to play a part in preventing this disease from wreaking any further havoc on the health of this community. The continued risk of transmission is significant as more variants emerge that spread more easily. Whether you have been vaccinated yet or are awaiting your turn, it’s as important as ever that you adhere to the precautions that have been demonstrated to work. Wear your mask, social distance, and avoid large groups, particularly indoors,” said Beaupré.


She's a lover of alliteration, easy-to-follow recipes and board games when everyone knows the rules. Her favorite aspect about living in the Tetons is the collective admiration that Wyomingites share for the land and the life that it sustains.